
You could of course change 50%, leave it a half hour or so and then change another 50%.

You need to be doing this at least daily but given the stocking levels of your tank maybe twice a day.

Until you can test for ammonia and have a liquid test for nitrite its all a bit of a stab in the dark...


Danny B
Ok, I usally use my gravel cleaner to suck the water out and I may be able to do a 100% water change but I need to know if it would work. If I put the gravel cleaner just above the gravel it will suck the water from the bottom and will the change still have an effect if I pur in the water at the top? Would it be better to switch off the filter/pump while I am changing the water. The pump creates a current so it may move the water around before I have a chance to finish.
I can do it like that for 5 days in a row, would that be ok? Once I get your reply for the above method I will change the water once a day for 3 days then test the water again (still have the API test strips, cant get hold of a kit at the minute) and post the results on here. When I got the test strips the man at my lfs took them off the shelf and gave them to me and because they were API I expected them to be good quality and not have ammonia missing! I am appauled that this happened and I wish I had another lfs I could get a kit from!
Impossible to say - it may be 5 days it may be 5 weeks. You have to test the water every day and if it shows ammonia or nitrite do a big (75%+) water change.

Your tank has been going since July so it should be nearly there assuming the filter you have is up to the job.

If not then only reducing the stock will solve the issue.


Danny B
Ok I will be giving one of my babies away when they get older. I have talked to the moderator and he has told me about the water change so not to worry
Ok, I usally use my gravel cleaner to suck the water out and I may be able to do a 100% water change but I need to know if it would work. If I put the gravel cleaner just above the gravel it will suck the water from the bottom and will the change still have an effect if I pur in the water at the top?

This is not going to work. Just do a regulare series of 50% or 75% changes as was already suggested.
Keep a close look out for these symptoms. Cotton wool patches on mouth, or cotton strands.
Make sure there mouths don't start to rot away.
Water changes, and reduce your stocking.
One of the other moderators callled 'MBOU' has said as long as I sort out the ammonia etc I can keep the one guppy that is overstocking my tank and if I do weekly water changes of 30%

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