

Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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I just got a ammonia test kit. I tested my water a few days ago and the reading was like 3.0. So I did a 25% water change. And it helped a lil bit. But when I got home this mourning they were back to where they were 3.0 I just did another 25% water changed and it brought it down to .5 What should I do to get it down to 0?
Is your tank new? it sounds like it is in the process of cycling, which will give high ammonia readings for several weeks.

Keep doing regular water changes, every day if neccessary. This will keep the levels under control and the ammonia readings will gradually subside. Also cut back on the amount you are feeding your fish, this will help.
Well its about 2-3 weeks old. not really sure. My nitrate, nitrite, and ph are just fine...I'm glad I got a Python...cuz I was thinking that I needed to do a few more water changes this week to get it down...Thanks for the advice
High Ammonia levels are the 1st stage of the cycling process. As the Ammonia levels dissapate, your Nitrite levels will increase and then finally your Nitrate levels. Keep doing the water changes, don't overfeed and you should be O.K.

Good luck
P.S Don't add any more fish untill the cycle process has completed

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