Ammonia Test Kits


Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
West Virginia
I bought on clearance at WalMart a Doc Wellfish's ammonia test kit, the kind with the chemical and the test tube. I have checked my ammonia once a week for three weeks, and it always shows up 0. Can this be right? Or is this test kit kinda generic... I don't see any reason, really, why my ammonia levels SHOULD necessarily be high, though. The test kit was cheap, but I don't have a lot of money to spend on test kits. Anyone know anything about these?
i wondered about that with my ph test kit......junior one real always showed 7.4 appox. so i put a drop of vinegar in the vial and the color changed right away so i guess it does work! i'm sure it does work unless the chemicals are expired
I find it ideal to have two test kits by different manufactures to get a "second opinion" if you will. I have peace of mind this way.
Liz i know what you mean about Dr Wellfish's Ammonnia Test Kit, i have the same 1 and i never get a reading, However i find that this isn't peice of mind and i have an Interpet Ammonnia kit as well which to check the level again.

I been told to look down the tube rather than look directly at it or hold it up against white paper.


i think it only shows colour if you have quite high ammonnia level, different test kits start at different levels.

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