Ammonia spike, cloudy water and white critters

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DEL 707

New Member
Apr 11, 2009
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I have a 55l nano planted tank.

Stock is:

10 Green Neon Tetras
3 Amano Shrimp
An army of Cherry Red Shrimp
2 Nerite snails

Today my tank is very cloudy and has diatomes on the glass. Also 1 dead cherry shrimp, an adult female.
I did an ammonia test and got a reading of 0.25ppm. I've immediately done a 20l water change.

I use RO water which I reminerlise with Salty Shrimp GH/KH. The confusing thing is that I did a 20l water change on Monday!
I have changed my water supplier, but I checked 1 of my containers and got a reading of 2ppm.

Also there are these white bugs moving about on the glass which I can't say I've noticed before.


Any idea what these are?
Cant say about the bugs but the cloudy water is likely a bacterial bloom
Tanks been up and running for 6 months.
Fish have been in there for 4 months.
do daily water change and see if ammonia have go down.
Unfortunately, I've thrown in the towel.

I did another water change at 1am but it didn't help, shrimp dying and fish gasping.
Did the only thing I could do, saved who ever I could and took them to the local fish shop.
Tanks now completely empty.

I just wish I knew what caused it all, I tested my RO water and come back with 0 ammonia.
Could it have been a build up in the gravel? Because of the plants and the wood, I wasn't able to properly gravel vac.

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