I took the plec back to the store nearly a week ago and for some reason my test kit is still showing about 0.10ppm ammonia 0 nitrite and 5ppm nitrate, the tank has only got 7 neons in it now and 3 plant an anubai and some long grassy plants, i didint test until today cause been busy and have not had time, but i've did a 20% water change and will be doing that every day now for the rest of the week. as changing 90% seems like a hassle and I dont want to risk losing any bacteria that I already dont have enough of, even though the filter I have the marina s15 cycled in a month with 4 shubunkin goldfish so how it cant catch up to 7 neons in a week is annoying. should I just continue with 20% each day and see what happens.