Ammonia Problems!!!


Jan 26, 2005
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australia sydney
PLease Help i am new to all this stuff. I have a aquaone ar510 75litre tank.
I have 9 fish all up. 1. Green terror 2.bumble bee 3.electric yellow forest jewel? 5.Bristle Nose 6.electric blue can't remeber the other 3.
I've have high ammonia problems all the time. I've try water changers 15% 20% 50% even 80% didn't help. I've cut down on feeding(didn't feed for 2 days). Put ammonia rocks in filteration system. These things helped a little but then went back to high level within a day :(
What shall i do?? get a better filter??? Bigger tank??? oh yea the fish are about 2cm to max 5cm. or just get easy fish to look after??? is so what kind??? is my tank a bad tank???

mabe you just added all your fish to quick just do a ton of water changes try to get some benifetial bacteria by putting some gravel from a cycled tank in it or a used filter cartradige from a cycled tank in it you can hold the gravel in a container or w/e the tank will eventually cycle if your fish dont look sick you are ok in my opinion
Have you checked the ammonia level in your tap water?
When you put tap water in your tank, do you use dechlorinator in it first? If not then the chlorine in the tap water may be killing your beneficial bacteria.
i put the water into a bucket and then put the water ager in wait about a 30-50 seconds then i put it into tank slowly. is that right way?
I have a couple questions for you.

#1 Did you do any research or looking into on ANY of the fish you bought before deciding to get them?

#2 What did the LFS tell you?

#3 Do you know what tank cycling is?

You are getting ammonia problems for the following reasons..

- Possible overfeeding
- Not properly cycling your tank
- Overcrowding the tank
- Waste from overcrowding

By the way, What dechlorinator did you use? You said water ager....What did you mean by that? I use a product by aquaclear to get rid of all the chlorine and junk from the tap water and let the bucket sit there for about 5-10 minutes before i add it to my tank when i do a water change.
I use Tetra Aquasafe with my water changes and have not had any problems. I also recomend a gel tab called Tetra bactozym it contains the bugs that eat ammonia and turn it to nitrite, it also has the germs that chew nitrIte to nitrAte. Once you have nitrAte levels of about 40ppm a water change is in order. If you can not get Bactozym the ask your lfs to squeeze out one of their filters in a bag and pour it in to your system. It will look like Hell for a few hours but you will get a good dose of friendly bugs.hth
1. Green terror 2.bumble bee 3.electric yellow forest jewel? 5.Bristle Nose 6.electric blue 7.MELANOCHROMIS AURATUS dont know the name of other one.

i didnt' do much research on them, just took advice for the pet shops.

2.DOn't know what you mean by lfs?

3. I kinda know what tank cycling is but have no idea how to do it????

4.I'm not over feeding 100% sure.

5.overcrowding... i think 2 fish to much so i might get a bigger tank today.
Aqua ar620t, it is 130litres tank i should be ok with that size??

6. the dechlorinator i use is called water ager cn.
found the other fish's name "blue johanni" this little bugga almost attacks everyone in the tank, especially the melanochromis auratus WHy?

Also forgot to mention that in put a bag of purigen-165 into the filter area to
help with ammonia, didn't make a difference.

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