My tank will be my "first", but I can seed it w/ gravel from LFS, if I want. Since I intend to buy the fish from there, it doesn't seem bad to have bugs that the fish are used to. You did buy the fish from somewhere? Although, if the only thing around is a petsmart, they usually won't let you have the gravel, but since they're scary in their fish keeping, that's probably a good thing. Although, the fish at this petsmart are mostly happy, except they were dumb to take a sick gourami, from their supplier, course they're also evil in putting 5 male dwarf gouramis together anyways. Doesn't shock me in the least the 4 pick on the one. I'll have to be careful about not being too clean, too. I don't think twice a week water change is too clean (I'll only do more, if there's dangerous spikes). I'm personally going to try seeding w/ bio-spira and while I was thinking of using the actual fish, I'm kinda of indecisive, as to whether I want to use ammonia and fishless w/ my bio-spira, or fish-cycle.
My point being---thanks for reminding me not to be too clean w/ my new tank, for it's cycling process.