Ammonia levels


Fish Addict
May 15, 2005
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My ammonia level was .5 in a tank that I tried to fishless. I was given the advice to drain it and refill it until I got 0.0ppm. Well I did it 3 times and before I drained it the 3rd time, the ammonia reading was .5ppm. I drained the water to 2" above the gravel (29g aquarium) and now I am filling it up.

Will that be safe for my fish to live in?

thank you all...
So, you never completed cycling your tank?

And the answer is no - the only healthy ammonia level for fish is 0. Your tank is going to have ammonia as it starts cycling with the fish, and you'll need to really keep up on your water changes until it's cycled, or your fish will become ill. You also will not be able to add anything other than the hardiest of fish, since you will be cycling with the fish in the tank.
Yeh u need time for the tank to cycle, the ammonia wont drop straight away u need to let time for the bacteria to build up.
It's a shame that you didn't complete the fishless cycle. If you put fish in a tank that already has an ammonia reading, you are really putting your fish in a toxic tank. With fish the ammonia will rise even more until the tank is fully cycled. Is there any way we can persuade you to go back to complete the fishless cycle?
well someone told me to do this...

I took the filter from the old tank and put it on the new. I left the fish in their tank for now.

The ammonia level is now @ 0.0ppm ( took more water out)

The reason I did this is b/c I have pregnant fish and my tap takes way to long to cycle (4 weeks and I still have an ammonia reading). I need the 10g for when the babies arive. I haven't added the fish to the new water though. I am going out to see if one last store has Bio spira and then I will feel a whole lot better about this decision. I don't see why it's such a big deal, b/c i see on here all the time where people do it.

I also have ALL of the decor and plants from the old tank, and the entire filter, not just the pads or what have you. The only things from the old tank i don't have on the new is heater and gravel, but I have a spare net with old tank gravel in hanging into the new tank. I did water changes until ammonia was @ 0.0, I decided not to take a chance...
well with the ammonia @ zero and all of that junk from the old, should they be okay? Cuz i don't want them to die... I know if i have bio spira they'll be okay, but if i shouldn't find any...

O if i do find it, can I take out the old filter, or should I leave it?

Edit: I just called the lfs and he got angry w/ me b/c bio spira was garbage and he was sayin', "Are you joking, why would I have that??? You would be paying to cycle a tank the same way w/out it. If you really want it, you can go to columbia!" and then he hung up! I'll not be goin' there any more!

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