Ammonia Levels Not Dropping

Try an "APi" test kit it's never let me down.
The ammonia kit is two bottles you use 8 drops from each into a testube with 5ml of tank water in it.
The test takes 5 minutes and is very accurate.

Thats what I'm using it's the same kit and I even took some water to the local shop and they tested it and don;t know what is wrong either

What water conditioner are you using to dechlorinate your water? If you have chloramine, which is a combination of chlorine & ammonia, what you may be seeing is the ammonia portion of this with your tests. Ammo-Lock, which is basically hydromethane sulfinate, converts ammonia to ammonium. Ammonium is harmless to fish at levels commonly found in your aquarium, but used the same as ammonia by your nitrifying bacteria. The 8 drop API test, which is a single reagent nessler test, will not discriminate between ammonia & ammonium the way a two reagent salicylate test will.

What you can try is filling a bucket with tap water, adding your dechlor, then doing an ammo test. This will tell you if you are getting ammonia split off from chloramine. While I don't believe in adding any chemical to an aquarium that is not absolutely needed, Ammo-Lock is a good product, one commonly found in the tool box of people who maintain aquariums professionally, and the same chemical found in water treatments that eliminate or neuteralize ammonia.

Thanks I had that thought last night that maybe when I add my declhorinator to the water maybe it is chaing the ammonia levels. I have used Tap Safe and Tap Conditioner. If I find that the results are high should I assume my tank is safe of ammonia and it's just the chemicals from the dechlorinator that are cuasing my results? I really want to add more fish but I'm scared to because of the levels of ammonia I keep detecting with my test kit ? Please please help !!

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