Ammonia Levels Are Sky High!

look im not trying to make this personal, but your readings for nitrate are zero, your ammonia was high,so its obvious that your tank isnt cycled, this is the most likely reason why your fish are dying/died
im sorry you have lost so many, i appreciate you must be gutted,i have been in exactly the same situation as you are..
i also appreciate that you may have find a way of doing things that is comfortable to you, and maybe now its time to try another way??
cichlids are tough as old boots,thats maybe why they werent to effected.( and why i love them so much as they are very forgiving)
if you can get to the bottom of the problem, then maybe you could have those tanks up and running again in no time..
how old is the testing kit?? tho i doubt its wrong with tha many deaths, just to be on the safe side i would take a sample of your tank water AND tap water to the lfs and get them to test it, but plz dont buy anything before seeking advise on here ( not from me but others)
we had high ammonia 8.0 dark green on friday we added ammonia remover and had the water tested on sat and it was on 0.0
we lost loads of fish my breeding pairs of bristlenose and 200 fry in one wk

since we added the ammonia remover our water was bk to normal test the water to nite and its good all clear

we have 7 tanks and trouble with 4 tanks used to ammonia remover in 2tanks its all gone not used it in other two tanks still got high ammonia so tomrw going to test the water again and if it not change then going to used ammonia remover again your way hasnt worked in the last two wks lost 7 breeding bristlenose and 200 fry and some corrys list goes on done it every ones way and lost the fish now doing the other way its working
after two wks of losing fish had do some thing as not good losing fish like having hot dinners is it

Come on your talking garbage m8...

The remover would not of done that in 1 day....

The best way to lower levels are water changes, when i was setting up a tank for breeding reason, i had to change the water everyday to keep the levels correct as it was not matured filter (the fish was fry)

beore chnages i had high levels (not severe) and did as much waterchange as it toook to get them back to 0, u cant just do a quick change and expect them to drop rapid, you have to do huge changes.

There must be a problem in your tank, if your levels was high after 2 so called years, then my guess is your massivly overstocked or summat.
thanks for the advice. The tank has been running for a year roughly. My fish still don't look any better after the medication today so i think water changes are a possibility.

The LFS said that by using the medication, i would see a big difference within the hour! That is crazy i don't see any difference and i see that they said that just to get me to buy something.

It's abit late tonight to do a water change tonight so i think tomorrow morning i will do a water change.

Would 50% be good? I'm worried as the LFS said if i change the water it will kill my fish as it would shock them. They said it would make the ammonia increase somehow. Advice?
thanks for the advice. The tank has been running for a year roughly. My fish still don't look any better after the medication today so i think water changes are a possibility.

The LFS said that by using the medication, i would see a big difference within the hour! That is crazy i don't see any difference and i see that they said that just to get me to buy something.

It's abit late tonight to do a water change tonight so i think tomorrow morning i will do a water change.

Would 50% be good? I'm worried as the LFS said if i change the water it will kill my fish as it would shock them. They said it would make the ammonia increase somehow. Advice?

I think your LFS person is a little confused and mixing up two different facts.

Firstly, sudden changes in pH can be a dangerous shock to fish - generally several smaller water changes give the fish a better chance to adjust.

The other thing is that ammonia is more toxic to fish as the pH gets higher. If you were to raise the pH and leave the same concentration of ammonia in there, then it would be more dangerous to your fish. However, if you're doing water changes, then you're removing ammonia each time, so this isn't going to be a problem.

The Amquel+ you're using will convert the ammonia into a form that's safe for the fish. However, having been exposed to such high levels, they will have been damaged and may still not make it. Long term, it's far better to change the water regularly rather than relying on adding stuff to neutralise the toxins. Also the pH crash is not good for your fish, and could be contributing towards their symptoms.

I agree you need to do serious water changes, starting urgently, but as you're using Amquel+ to control the immediate ammonia problem, it might be better to do smaller, frequent ones until you've got the pH back to normal. If you hadn't had the pH crash, then bigger water changes would be best, but I'm concerned that if you do a large water change, the sudden change in pH might shock your fish fatally. Generally, it's recommended not to change pH by more than 0.3 per day, though IME some fish at least can cope with a bit more. Not knowing the exact readings in your tank, I'm guessing a bit at the numbers, but suggest 10-15% twice a day? If you can get an accurate test kit for pH, then you can adjust the water changes to give the best results. Keep using the Amquel+ until you've got the pH and ammonia problems sorted. The cultures you also bought are of doubtful benefit, but won't do any harm.

Then keep doing frequent water changes, and get a liquid test kit if you can to monitor your ammonia and nitrite levels until your tank has cycled fully. Hopefully your fish will pull through, but they've been exposed to some nasty stuff and may not recover. Once things have stabilised, you'll need to keep a routine of regular water changes, to prevent another pH crash and ammonia crisis.

Hope things improve for you soon.
300ltr tank did have in tank the following
7 x bristlenose 4-5ins
3x clown loaches 2ins
5 x corrys 3ins
2x L161 3ins
4 x plec 2-3ins
4 x mollys 2ins
3 x swordtails

thaT it in the tank before any died

before treatment
now only got
2 bristlenose 3x clown loaches 2x corrys thats it in the 300ltr corner tank

if u look wot i have sed in the last couple ones tells u wot we had in tanks before ant troyble happen

this will be my last reply in this post
I can't understand why anyone would come onto a forum to ask for help, and then totally shun what is offered.

The fact is, everything that was said was 100% correct. Look around the forums on here, you will see countless other identicle threads.

I also kept malawai cichlids for 2 years before moving to Oscars, and now Discus - turns out I only knew about 1/3 of what I thought I knew. I came on here, and asked questions, read articles and started to understand.

If you have 10ppm ammonia in 300 litres of water, and you replace 150 litres of that water - then you have 5ppm ammonia. That is simple maths and cannot be denied in any way (unless you have a small trace of ammonia in your tap supply, even then it won't cause much variance given the huge number we are talking about here).

I suggest you read other threads, and you will quickly realise that many other people have went down the same road of denial as yourself - but in the end, experience and scientific methods will always be proved correct.

Your local fish store is there for 1 reason - to make money out of you.
are you on about me petertr? I haven't shuned what was offered, i took the advice and did a water change. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed and i hope my fish look better asap.
no m8 hes on abt me took every in wot every one has sed

oh my tanks are all sorted now my and and my m8 way has worked
your way wld work as thats the way i normaly do it and have done it with my tanks in the last couple wks but nothing has worked anyway thx for all your help

oh my test kit is in date used by 10/30/2011
are you on about me petertr? I haven't shuned what was offered, i took the advice and did a water change. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed and i hope my fish look better asap.

He's not talking to you - your messages got a bit lost in the heated debate. You will keep doing water changes, won't you? Please keep us posted on progress - suggest you start a new thread though...
Good luck!

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