Without ammonia, your bacteria colony have nothing to feed on therfore will not grow.
Chuck the Cycle product in the bin, thats how useful it will be to cycle your tank.
You need to take the fish and corals back to the shop, either ask them to hold them for you or exchange for store credit.
Read the stickies and pinned articles, you really need to research more, you would not be able to cycle a freshwater tank that way let alone a marine tank.
Decide if you want FO, FOWLR or a reef. Use live rock to filter the tank, you can keep your external for chemical media.
The tank is not cycled at all, soon you will hit a full cycle and the fish and coral probably won't survive, until you can take them back you are going to need to do a large water change as soon as you get any reading for ammonia, it must not go above 0.5-1.0 before you do a w/c.
I am a bit at a loss here, you really are going to have to take them back very soon.