Ammonia in Tap water


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2004
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Hi all,
We had been busy doing lots of water changes while waiting for our tank to cycle, until we got an ammonia kit, and realised that our tap water had just as much ammonia as the fish tank!?! What can you do about this? I bought some "ACE" aquamaster ammonia and chlorine neutraliser, but am worried about this stuffing up my ammonia readings. So I need a long term solution. Is it OK to use ammonia neutraliser as routine? And will it stop my tank cycling?
also, I know everyone says it stuffs up your ammonia readings, but after adding it to water, the ammonia reading goes from .8 to 0. No-one really seems to know how these products work?
thanks in advance!
If you plant your tank on the heavy side, and do the water changes in the morning. This will give your plants a good amount of time to use up the ammonia in your tap. I know this is not the best way to go about this but it dose work. You could use holding tanks that have plants (one or 2 20gall tanks). This would let you get the right temp, and use charcoal on your water before it goes into your main tank. You might want to call your water company, this dose not help you with the ammonia but then you will know if it’s a false positive, once you know what they use in there water.

How much ammonia do you have in your tap?
What test kit do you use?
I've seen several discussions on the net regarding chloramine in tapwater giving false positives for ammonia. I haven't been able to find a definitive source yet though.

Where do you live? Do you know if the local supplier uses chlorine or chloramine in water treatment?

Either way, I would suggest getting a water conditioner that removes both chlorine and chloramine, treat a test sample, then test it. I use Hagen AquaPlus, but there are numerous brands on the market. After dechlorination, your water should read 0ppm ammonia.

If it doesn't, I would seriously consider calling the water company and ask to talk to one of the chemists about your readings.

Edit: Found a good link. The Krib to the rescue again:

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