Tetra Safe Start or Safe Star Plus. I contains the same strains as Dr. Tim's. He disocvered what strains of ammonia and nitrate bacteria are actually found in aquariums after first discovering they were not the ones science had though were there. Dr. Tim alonmg with marineland holds a patent on the method for dectecting and establishing the Nitrospira which process nitrite to nitrate. that opatent prevent other companies from using hose bacteria in a starter product. Dr. Hovanec (aka Dr. tim) used to run the amrineland labs. When Marineland was bought by a conglomerate for their pet division, they already had purchased Tetra. The conglomerate turned over the patent right to Tetra which is why the two products contain the same bacteria.
Both One and Only and Safe Start contain the needed love bacteria one should use to jump start a cycle. The rest either contain either of the two types liek Stability, or else they contain Nitrobacter rather than Nitrospira. The former is what is found in waste water treatment plants and are able to handle much higher levels of nitrite than can Nitrospira
But you do not need to buy live bacteria to get it. If you know somebody with a healthy tank a bit of substrate, a piece of media from their filter or even rinsing out their bio-media in your tank (or in a bucket of dechlored water in which the media has been rinsed) will provide you with the needed bacteria to give a cycle a boost.
It is important to understand that this changes how a cycle progresses as does either of the two products mentioned. In a normal fishless cycle the ammonia bacteria comes first and then the nitrite ones follow. But when one seeds bacteria in either of the above mentioned ways, they are adding both the ammonia and nitrite bacteria together. Whatever amount of ammonia the amount of seeding one added can turn to nitrite, there will be enough of the nitrite converting ones ready to handle it. So you will see much less nitrite or even none at all as a result. A cycled tank, by definition, has enough of both ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria to turn ammonia to nitrate as it is produced. This applies to seeding whether it comes from a cycled tank or the bacteria in One and Only or Safe Start. It also applies the the bacteria living on aquatic plants.
Finally, there is one more option to get a new tank cycled fast- you can look to buy cycled filters.