Ammonia creeping up...

It could be a calcium carbonate buildup. Just means your tank is a bit low of CO2.

Hmm, if it is calcium build up, how do I deal with it? I mean with out scrubbing my tank so hard I scratch it? (stupid acrylic tank..thought it was glass when I was getting it since the next size up IS :angry: )

I could actually see the CO2 getting low with all the plants and the airstone I put in other day when I added the Bio-Spira.

Hope you can help me figure out how to get it balanced again, if this is the problem.

I really do appreciate all the help.

BTW, although I didn't get a chance to test the water today (bad, bad me :-( ), I have noticed a large improvement in my tank. The pennywort is defintely turning green again. Even leaves that I thought were so far gone that they were going to fall off, have lost 90 percent of their brown color and are turning a rich green again. Even better, the corys have become more the daytime too! For the last week, they were just sitting around like lumps most of the time, but beginning last night, I noticed them coming out from hiding and beginning to move around the tank. I was laughing to night because they were running and hiding everytime they even thought I was going to look in their direction. Like I was going to accuse them of being bad or something because they were daring to show themselves during the day. Almost as bad as my real cats :p :lol:

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