Ammonia concerns


I got a cheap pump and all is good exept i lost a fish. :-(

The other 6 Tiger Barbs just kept at the poor slow guy.
Not sure if they killed it or it was bound to die but it was sucked up against the pump inlet tube after i got in from work and most of its fins looked bitten.

I think if i see another slow/sluggish or lazy in general barb i will isolate it from the others with a separater or somthing.

Hi Stevie! I'm fairly new to this whole fish keeping experience too. I just set up my first tank (25 gallon) 7 weeks ago and like you discovered this wonderful forum AFTER adding 6 fish. (darm lfs!!) I'm just in the process of finishing my cyling process (YEAH!!!) so I know what you're going through. I did lose some fish along the way :-( but overall they came out pretty healthy. Best advice I can give is to hang there, have some patience and don't beat yourself up for mistakes you make while learning!! Follow the advice of everyone else on this forum... daily water changes, limiting the food and doing whatever possibly to minimize the stress on the fish and you'll be ok. I was told that by doing frequent water changes you might prolong the cycling however it does make the fishies much happier. I added a bubble stone which definely made a difference!

Good luck! You'll do great.

Thanks boozybears,

Yes defiantly glad I found this forum; I have been doing it wrong forever!

I have had tanks in the past and if I had not found this forum I would simply assume I had done everything right and it was just a sick fish.
I realize that fish sometimes do get sick but bad water conditions do not help.
This forum has helped me to watch the fish more carefully and I have been studying the species (Tiger Barb).

I am out of the ammonia stage almost totally, last reading was 0.25 but now the nitrite is at 0.2. My fish are really changing there activity level now for the worst.

I know this is an ammonia thread but if someone could put all the fatal levels together for me I would be grateful. Ammonia, nitrITE, nitrATE etc…

I am still unsure if I am doing enough to keep the nitrITE levels down.
It seems the fish are dizzy at times and disoriented (floating straight up or straight down behavior).

Those readings were taken 30 minutes after a 50% water change.
Could the water temp difference in the tank and tap cause any major problems?
It can’t be much difference but I don’t have a thermometer to be sure.

You guys (and gals) have been great and thank again,


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