Ammonia At 8Ppm Help

no change of filters just washed in tank water. I did use the correct dose as suggested on the bottle too
Have you been using any household chemicals in your water change bucket?
Or household chemicals 
near the tank?
No the bucket is just used for water changes and no chemicals near the tank
Seems slightly unusual to get 8ppm ammonia readings this quickly.

Are the RCS still alive and out and about etc?
If it's really a ammonia issue I would have thought the RCS would either be going around the tank madly or dead.

I think RCS are great indictors of water parameters.

The new JBL Fertilizer, would that have caused any issues?
Particularly in making cloudy water and false readings?

And lastly, have you stirred or recently did a deep gravel vac on the substrate?

Aside from the comments already made above, that's all can think of at the moment.
I cannot see any shrimp at the moment but that is quite normal as the tank is planted and they do tend to hide. I have found 2 dead yesterday which is worrying.
Have you been using any medications recently?
Has there been any road works be done down your street?
I can't think of anything else either.
I did look up the  JBL Ferropol fertiliser but nothing came up on increasing ammonia levels.
No medications or any unusual water activities I don't think. I will redo a 50% water change again and use a different dechlorinator see if that makes a difference. I'll get back to you with an update once its been done. Thanks for all your help and advice
Are all fish accounted for? Is there a chance that there is a dead fish in the tank?

What is your pH and temp?

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