Vindicare066 said:
I am very new to the hobby, and I am about to start a fishless cycle in a 30 gallon tank, I have been having a brutal time locating any ammonia sources in Canada, most of the time the products are discontinued, I have been to numerous grocery, big box, hardware and even pet store and no one seems to carry
100% pure ammonia products
You won't find 100% pure ammonia. In fact, you do not want 100% ammonia anyway.
Most bottles will contain around 9.5%, ammonium hydroxide. Basically means 90.5% water and 9.5% ammonia, nothing else must be included in the ingredients.
The most powerful ammonia I have found and used, is 35% in strength, pretty potent stuff. Only need tiny amounts for whichever sized tank you are cycling.
Think in Canada there are ACE hardware stores, they sometimes stock ACE Ammonia which several members have attested to have used successfully.
Failing that, you can order a bottle of ammonia online, Kleen Off is a popular choice, tried and tested. As well as the other small bottle of 35% ammonia.
These links are eBay, the UK version, just so you have a good idea of what to look out for :
Kleen Off
3Chem 35% Ammonia
These are just two examples of what could be found simply by typing "fishless cycling" on eBay. There are other bottles of ammonia, just as long as it is Ammonium Hydroxide and no other ingredients in the bottle, you're good to go.
Vindicare066 said:
I have seen the Tetra Safestart and Tetra Safestart+ at Petsmart though and I was wondering if I can use these two products alone to help start the nitrogen cycle? Or do I also need another source of ammonia as well like Old Country?
Byron has mentioned already that Tetra Safe Start is a good product and is likely to work as long as the bacs in the bottle are ok. This can depends on how the bottles were transported, how long they were stored and if kept in heat or cold etc etc
Exactly the same applies to Dr Tim's One and Only Nitrfying bacteria.
Vindicare066 said:
Also if I use Tetra Safe Start or Tetra Safe Start+ do I still need to add bits of shrimp or fish food to the tank?
I would advise in NOT using shrimps or fish food as a source of ammonia.
Several reasons, very messy, can create planeria (unsightly little worms), very difficult to know how much shrimp/fish to add to keep cycling going.
You need specific doses of ammonia for your tank size otherwise the risk of the cycle stalling or crashing is much higher.
If you use Tetra Safe Start or Dr Tim's, you will still need to add ammonia and tests and to get the bacteria colony to get to strength and to create suitable numbers of bacs to deal with your planned stocking.