Amazon Sword Growth


New Member
Oct 20, 2011
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I bought an Amazon sword to put in my 30 gal tank. It has a low light since I was informed it was sufficient for that type of plant. My question is, are the leaves supposed to grow all the way up and out of the tank? 
They can get several feet tall, so I'd imagine that is normal. :)
it depends on the water level in the tank, swords come from the amazon where the water level changes rapily, most are grown out of water before there sold (easier for the growers), when they go into your tank they'll shed there dry leaves and grow aquatic ones (so dont worry if it looks like its dieing), some of these may reach the surface but i dont think they'll grow far out of the water 
Thanks for the replies. They do reach the top and kind of curve over since it hits the top. I didn't know if it was cause I was giving it too much light, or if there was another reason. Thanks again.
If they get into the mood, having enjoyed an underwater phase and with leaves touching the surface, they may decide to throw up some emmersed leaves. Those can be very tall. Think triffid with some varieties.

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