Amazon Frogbit - Floating Plant

Very, very sorry to all the folks on here who asked!

I've been Road Tripping around the Canadian Rockies for a while! :)

Got plenty still! I'll pm anyone who has asked recently.
Still interested :drool: , P.M. me details , one question , can I send you uncrossed postal order? , don't have paypal or anything. :unsure:
Cool? :good:
You dont need to sign up to paypal to pay someone, only to receive money.

Do you want me to send you my paypal addy as I would prefer that TBH?
I you're asking if I have some left then yes.

i will have some from you, how do you want paying paypal ?

cant pm yet might be because of my low post count so my email address is if you need to send me any details. cheers steve
Would you do 2 batches for a fiver (posted)?
Yeah can do.

Might be a while to get them though with some more post strikes on the way!
OK can't buy for a week anyway.

Is paypal ok?

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