Amazon Biotope

Thank you both :) I'm using a light I found in my garage, think it's off a propagator or something haha

Added some normal and red cabomba this week, also got some more hydrocotyle which is melting everywhere.


Not sure about the cabomba at the back, should it stay?
Get something with darker and bigger rounder leaves to place in front of the start grass. It would make a nice contrast. Even anubias would look nice and will do well in the shadow below. You can plant it on some round stones and arrange them in front of the star grass maybe.
The cabomba looks ok at that side. Let it grow and see. As long as it doesn't mix with the pennywort(the plant with tiny horizontal leaves) it could look nice.
Can't have anubias unfortunately as it's meant to be a biotope, I'll have a look for some similar south american plants

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