
Moved On
Nov 15, 2004
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today i went into my LFS and what do i see in the pictus labeled tank? a luecistic pictus and a columbian pictus. i was amazed. i bought the columbian because it was bigger. i got home and found him to be MUCH slimmer than my peruvians. one thing that confuses me is that he doesnt have many spots compared to other columbians ive seen. and hes got a very slim and more forked tail than my peruvians. will my peruvians school with this columbian?

also today i move my tank around and i found my raphael. and the piece of bogwood he was under had become two pieces of bogwood. im sitting there thinking "raphaels dont eat Wood!" but is it possible.
54 views and no responses? one of you guys has to know something here. This is one of the reasons im not active on this forum enough. everyone takes time to say "nice fish" or cool tank but no one can actually make a response with some information. and a lot of good people were banned from here like Dannyboy17 and bettamomma. i suggest new mods who dont abuse their powers for personal vendettas against members
I have 1 columbian and 4 peruvian strain among my pims and they show no bias towards columbian is also the smallest of the bunch but i'd say hes fit in nicely among the other pims....Don't worry about it he'll do great!!!....
Can't help you on the Raphael Q as i've never kept them.....And as for the Mod team that runs TFF, well i personally think they do a great job....the forum runs smooth and we don't have any trouble makers who last too long which eliminates alot of headaches....But no matter how smoothly things run we'll always find problems that "could" be changed....I sometimes wish this wasn't a family forum as i find i have to re-read all my posts to take away colorful words which just happen to slip in :p .... Plus i'd rather wait for a response from someone with experience than have someone who has never kept the fish throw information up....which i think is probably one of the biggest "problems" on here...If you haven't kept the fish, then don't pretend to give advise about it.

Fishy411 said:
54 views and no responses? one of you guys has to know something here.
OK, so would you rather have 54 replies say "huh, I don't know" :/

But there you go - you want a reply, I'll give you one : :) "I don't know" ;)
but from the sounds of it, nice find!

As for the Raph's I don't know either - I've kept them but never seen them chomping on wood :dunno:
im new to cat fish of any kind an i had to google most of my questions. so jus google it your self.

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