Amazing Video!


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
(P.S. Dont watch if your not into live food being used, im not either, but i found this quite asstonishing!!!)
Have a look at this Asterophysus batrachus eating that huge goldfish, i cant believe it can manage foods that big...Now i know where they get the name "big mouth catfish" from :crazy:

I have no objection with feeding live fish if is has to be done. It just seems a shame that they would use such nice looking Goldie's. I know you cant get a great sense of scale from the video but I would defiantly think that those Goldie's have to be at least three to four years old. Shame!

But you are correct it is very impressive that the catfish can consume such a large (I was going to say pray but in this situation when the fish is glued to a plate I'm going to use the term) meal.
Quite incredable...
I dont like the thought of fish being bred, just to be fed to something though, its just kinda immoral IMO.
I dont mind if a fish got eaten, in a quick, painless (as it can be..) way, like being swallowed whole by a chaca chaca, but not if its been bred specifically to be eaten, seems abit "harsh"...Good video though isnt it :nod:

Pfft, I want to see a video of one of the frogfish that can eat something 3 times there own size. Tis old video but still an ok one.
That's an impressive video! :crazy: :good:
I hate the idea of having to feed live food, other than bloodworms, daphnia ect. I think its OK if the other fish needs to eat it though, but i wouldn't be able to do it my self.
Although in future if i get any live bearers, I'm probably going to have to find a super-small predator that will eat the fry but not the adults.
It would be a heavily planted tank so some fry would survive to adult hood though, more like nature :) .
really cool vid

and the fish is amazing

... but the tank looks really small for his size....
Which is that jayjay, never seen or heard of that?
Lets have a look ;)

Pfft, I want to see a video of one of the frogfish that can eat something 3 times there own size. Tis old video but still an ok one.
3 times is quite an exageration. Most frogfish eat things their own size and little larger (up to around 1.5 times their own size). I recall the Sargassum frogfish (Histrio histrio) has been witnessed with prey twice its own size in its stomach.
I have no objection with feeding live fish if is has to be done. It just seems a shame that they would use such nice looking Goldie's. I know you cant get a great sense of scale from the video but I would defiantly think that those Goldie's have to be at least three to four years old. Shame!

But you are correct it is very impressive that the catfish can consume such a large (I was going to say pray but in this situation when the fish is glued to a plate I'm going to use the term) meal.
I agree.. I, being a goldfish owner, have no probalem seeing goldfish beign eatten haha but why such big goldfish? :/ poor guys digiested alive. I would think several dozen small feeder fish would be better no?

Pfft, I want to see a video of one of the frogfish that can eat something 3 times there own size. Tis old video but still an ok one.
3 times is quite an exageration. Most frogfish eat things their own size and little larger (up to around 1.5 times their own size). I recall the Sargassum frogfish (Histrio histrio) has been witnessed with prey twice its own size in its stomach.
are frog fish SW? do they have a brakish water cousin? -_- I catch those things in a river that leads into the Chesapeake bay all the time. they put up a tough fight. and all those teeach in its mouth.. and those cute little arms! makes me want to set upa brakish tank jsut for them haha
Antennarius biocellatus is oft reported in brackish water and at times FW.

Frogfish are not noted for their dentition but for their extremely large mouth coupled with their huntimg method of a lure (esca) on a rod (ilicium) used to lure fish and motile invertebrates within their strike range.
mm that Antennarius biocellatus looks kind of like it.. not exactly sure.. I want one!
Theyre awesome fish arent they....But so expensive
Tropical imports is getting one (maybe 2, cant remember) in and their £300 each :crazy:
I wonder why theyre so expensive?

ARG! He was really bobbing along trying to swallow it!

We dont have fish big enough to feed them other fish. That fishy looks like he needs a huuuuge fish to fulfill his appetite though.

I couldnt personally do it though. I have issues feeding ours live artemia shrimps. I just wanted to keep them as pets. :p

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