Amazing Variation In Fry Size


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2024
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De Kalb, Texas
I have a spawn of 200 plus and where they all come from is a mystery, as it never seems like there are that many eggs. I am always amazed at the variation in fry size (Giant Bettas) at 1 month, and by 4 months it is very minimal, they are all (90%) the same size. The term "Sprinters" is always used to describe those that are large for their age. Some will be 3mm and some 15mm. At 1 month color begins to show in some and lateral stripes.
Been a long time since I’ve bred Betta’s but they sure can have big batches of fry . Try them outside in a tub in the summer if you really want to see numbers . Setting up the tub in May and breeding Betta’s in July works great because you get a lot of natural infusoria organisms for the fry to feast on which helps tremendously .
Been a long time since I’ve bred Betta’s but they sure can have big batches of fry . Try them outside in a tub in the summer if you really want to see numbers . Setting up the tub in May and breeding Betta’s in July works great because you get a lot of natural infusoria organisms for the fry to feast on which helps tremendously .
I can't wait till then to do some trough breeding. By then I will have maybe 100 pairs. I know a guy who raised Guppies in his cattle watering troughs in the summer and there were thousands in there. I know another guy who raises fish is a 350 water tote. I have three 250 gallon troughs and one 100 gallon trough.
I can't wait till then to do some trough breeding. By then I will have maybe 100 pairs. I know a guy who raised Guppies in his cattle watering troughs in the summer and there were thousands in there. I know another guy who raises fish is a 350 water tote. I have three 250 gallon troughs and one 100 gallon trough.
Nothing more effective than outdoor spawning to get lots of and more vigorous fish . The best story I ever heard was of a guy that raised Aphyosemion sjoestedti Blue Gularis Killifish outside and had eight inch specimens !
Nothing more effective than outdoor spawning to get lots of and more vigorous fish . The best story I ever heard was of a guy that raised Aphyosemion sjoestedti Blue Gularis Killifish outside and had eight inch specimens !
Nothing better for anything than the great out doors. I used to run landscape crews for a company, we would sod a lawn and try to keep it alive till the first rain, then we could just walk away, nothing like a good rain.

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