Hi, I'm doing a science fair for my high school, and i need to hatch brine shrimp for studying. I have ordered the cysts in a tube as well as powdered food, and have read in other sources that a lot of aquarium owners have grown brine shrimp in half gallon soda bottles. I have followed the instructions on the packaging my egg tube came in, which is to add 4 level tablespoons or rock salt to 1 gallon of water, with 2 level teaspoons of eggs, placing the bottle in a lighted area between 85 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and to aerate to keep eggs in suspension. It stated that they should be hatched after 24 hours. Since i'm using half gallon soda bottles, i reduced every amount by half. I have tried to hatch the eggs TWICE, following all instructions, even building a clear plastic enclosure and heat lamp for heat and buying an air pump and air stone for aeration. None of the eggs showed any signs of hatching even after 2 days of waiting. what am i doing wrong? is reducing the amounts by half the problem? I have thoroughly checked everything with thermometers and precise measurements and have found nothing i'm doing wrong to my knowledge. Thanks for your help.