Amano Shrimps - Where Did They Go?

They're probably still in there somewhere.

I put 9 in my 190l tank a while back, and I see a maximum of 5 at any one time. I know for sure that 1 died in the first day or so, but the other 3 ???????

I do know that of the 5 I see, 3 of them are heavy with eggs at the moment, but I'm not going to try and raise the fry.
Amanos are good at hiding. And they love filters. I have found them in my Juwel integrated filter.
Not seen my cherry shrimp in a while. Had a mountain (or wood) shrimp in my tank, quite large nearly 2 inches. it went missing for a while i had no idea where it had gone, then a few weeks later i found a dead shrimp outside my bedroom door!

Seems it had got out the tank, walked across my bedroom, out the door then died next to the skirting board on the landing :(
i had 6. But could only count 3 or 4 at the most at any one time. Did a big water change and changed my gravel, and found 5. So i guess I lost the other one, still havent found it though.

Also i found that mine hide behind the bracket that holds the internal filter.

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