Amano shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hey, I bought 2 shrimp the other day, they scuttled around for a bit then hid behind my bogwood, I havnt seen them since.
Did a water change today, and they were nowhere to be seen.

Is it normal that they hide like this? Or have they been eaten (expensive snack :sly: )

They were about 2 inches when I put them in.

In the tank I have

4 Zebra danios (doubt it)
2 Bolovian rams (again doubt it)
3 bala sharks
1 horse faced loach (doubt it)
1 SAE (nope)
1 sailfin plec (its mouth is big enough?)
1 RTBs (about 1.5")
hi we've had 5 amano for nearly 3 years & ours do hide now & again esp after shedding their shell, apparently they hide till their new outer shell is hard again.

they are great escape artists & you will need a good fitting lid on your tank if you dont already...........we originally bought 6 shrimps but one commited suicide the first night we had them..........found him on the floor heading to our kitchen. we'd left the tank lid open (stupid i know)

we thought we'd lost another, after our tank cracked & we had a traumatic day with floods,buckets etc etc (long story) after all our tank inhabitants were installed in their new home we didnt see 5 shrimps out together for over 8 months & we really thought we'd lost one.............till one day i saw all of them out together again & now see them out together regularly
they may be hiding cos their in a new home so dont give up hope yet they may be in there somewhere (hopefully) :)
Wooo just moved the tank to see behind it (that was hard work) and I can see at least 1 under the wood. :D

Do they come into the open more often or is this what I should expect?
we put 13 in a 50gal... and saw 1 or 2 for about 3 months..

then they just decided to come out... we have lost 2 in about 6 months
we moved them into their final home yesturday and could only find 11.
I had a ghost shrimp for about a week. He vanished into thin air and all assumed he was eaten by my african frog. I changed the tank about 2 weeks later and he came flying out of the plant in the corner...where was he?! So we put him in a new tank and...GONE! I've since changed from that tank(10 gallon) to a 30 gallon tank and unfortunately couldn't find him at all. No idea where he went, or who ate him. My frog was smaller then the shrimp
shrimp are funny, they hide alot ut also die easily. they are really vulnerable after they shed and sometimes dont make it after they shed, even if they do make it you rarely see them becasue they are so shy. they do a pretty good job though of tank maintainence behind the scenes.
utahfish said:
shrimp are funny, they hide alot ut also die easily. they are really vulnerable after they shed and sometimes dont make it after they shed, even if they do make it you rarely see them becasue they are so shy. they do a pretty good job though of tank maintainence behind the scenes.
now ours are grown up - they are out and about all the time - I have put 3 of them in the tank next to me (so i can set them up in a breading tank) And i'll be able to see them all... the 8 that are in the 350 downstairs will be a different matter.. half will be visable :)

- i had to look - spotted 3 and a half - 3 and a shed skin :)

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