Amano Shrimp In Trouble

Very happy to see two shrimps doing well today; looks like they've found a new hiding place behind a piece of bogwood.  Both looked calm and behaving as usual.  Don't know if just the two or a third one also survived the recent cabomba addition, but two are ok for sure.  Still only the one casualty found.  Still gutted that I lost one though.....
Great news!! 
I always dreaded having to add new plants!
They have some pesticides on that take weeks to become safe!
Thanks for asking; definitely two survived and are now behaving normally, maybe three.  Only ever found the one casualty.  The remaining two or maybe three have found a new place to hide though since I rescaped the tank, behind a large piece of wood!
Dare I ask the question then re anymore plants for the front of your tank? :/
Just an fyi- I picked up 50 amanos recently. I got them from the speaker at a recent fish weekend event in the states. Here two talks were ""Freshwater Invertebrates: A Primer" and "Freshwater Nano Diversity: More Than Just a Small Tank" She is a leading source for shrimp in the states.
One thing she specifically mentioned in the first presentation regarding amanos was when they are well fed they tend to be sedentary. If they are hungry, they bcome much more active hunting for food. I got my 50 home and into the algae wash tank and noticed  they were all over the place. I fed spirulina sticks and they were soon happy, fed and way less active.
Most fw fish are also not good with copper in any serious amount above trace. I agree with the folks who have said that more things should have suffered if it were copper. Copper, in the proper form, is typical in aquatic plants trace additives. Shrimp are also common in planted tanks. So I wou7ld be surprised if plants arrived with enough copper on them to be able to affect fish and shrimp in a tank.
I also believe the cheleaters used make the form of copper in the additives not as toxic as in its more natural form. Plant folks or chemists can post the facts re this I am sure.
Interesting, thanks for the info.  With that in mind, and the good news that yesterday I saw all THREE remaining shrimp together and looking happy, I'm tempted to blame the general skittishness and one death on stress caused when I reshaped and added the plants, rather than being down to a poison coming from the plants.  Anyway, glad three survived and I'm much more educated now after this experience!

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