Amano Shrimp And White Cloud Mountain Minnows?

I wouldnt of thought the WCMM would pay them too much attention unless the shrimp are very small when you first get them then there would be a very faint chance, but the WCMM will probably be small when you first acquire them as well so it will be fine 
I'm by no means an expert but i wouldnt hesitate putting the two together :)
You would have to cycle the 5 gallon tank - i would check on one of the online calculators to check how many shrimp you could add to that size tank i don't think it would be many but it would still look cool  :)
If you want the shrimps and fish other than white clouds, I currently have cherry shrimps with pygmy corydoras and Sundadanio alxelrodi. Until recently, I had Microdevario kubotai in this tank - I moved them into another tank when I got the Sundadanios. The shrimps have no problem with these three fish. The biggest problem is having to rescue baby shrimps from the bucket at every water change. The adult shrimps are out and about all the time, they are not afraid of fish this small.
The 5 gall would be fine with just shrimps provided it has an escape proof lid. So long as it has a filter you cycle it the same way as every other tank using the method in 'cycling a tank' in the top menu bar.
looking-glass said:
I wouldnt of thought the WCMM would pay them too much attention unless the shrimp are very small when you first get them then there would be a very faint chance, but the WCMM will probably be small when you first acquire them as well so it will be fine 
I'm by no means an expert but i wouldnt hesitate putting the two together :)
You would have to cycle the 5 gallon tank - i would check on one of the online calculators to check how many shrimp you could add to that size tank i don't think it would be many but it would still look cool  :)
essjay said:
If you want the shrimps and fish other than white clouds, I currently have cherry shrimps with pygmy corydoras and Sundadanio alxelrodi. Until recently, I had Microdevario kubotai in this tank - I moved them into another tank when I got the Sundadanios. The shrimps have no problem with these three fish. The biggest problem is having to rescue baby shrimps from the bucket at every water change. The adult shrimps are out and about all the time, they are not afraid of fish this small.
The 5 gall would be fine with just shrimps provided it has an escape proof lid. So long as it has a filter you cycle it the same way as every other tank using the method in 'cycling a tank' in the top menu bar.

Thanks to both of you for you replies! I'll do some more research on your suggestions :) I suppose I could always start with my 5 gallon and then once I got the hang of everything I could try a larger tank. Plus the 5 gallon would probably fit better in my room xD. Thanks again!

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