Fish Crazy
I wouldnt of thought the WCMM would pay them too much attention unless the shrimp are very small when you first get them then there would be a very faint chance, but the WCMM will probably be small when you first acquire them as well so it will be fine
I'm by no means an expert but i wouldnt hesitate putting the two together
You would have to cycle the 5 gallon tank - i would check on one of the online calculators to check how many shrimp you could add to that size tank i don't think it would be many but it would still look cool
I'm by no means an expert but i wouldnt hesitate putting the two together
You would have to cycle the 5 gallon tank - i would check on one of the online calculators to check how many shrimp you could add to that size tank i don't think it would be many but it would still look cool