Amano/algae Shrimp Carrying Eggs.


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2008
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Hello just seen that one of my Amano/Algae Shrimps is carrying a mass of eggs under her belly - am I right in thinking that they need brackish water to survive through to adulthood?

Is this the same with Red Cherry Shrimps? As my friend keeps Red Cherries and he has a tank FULL of them as they breed readily - he doesn't have salt water.
Hello just seen that one of my Amano/Algae Shrimps is carrying a mass of eggs under her belly - am I right in thinking that they need brackish water to survive through to adulthood?

Is this the same with Red Cherry Shrimps? As my friend keeps Red Cherries and he has a tank FULL of them as they breed readily - he doesn't have salt water.

The baby shrimp require salt/brackish water so therefore cannot survive at all so I don't think they go past the egg stage.

cherry shrimp will breed fine in freshwater and will produce a lot of offspring compared to other shrimp species

From what I have read it is INCREDIBLY difficult to breed Armanos!
I do also have red cherries, they are however smaller. How old are red cherries when they breed?
From what I have read it is INCREDIBLY difficult to breed Armanos!

Not really... you just get the required salinity (easily googled - 17mg per l) set-up in a container. You get your berried female in a small container of her own until the eggs hatch. Once hatched remove the mum and acclimatise the larvae to the salt water over a few days (replicating the increase in salt water as they move towards the see in nature.

Feeding them is the only hard part as you need something small enough, but you should be able to feed them on enfusoria... google 'lettuce enfusoria' and 'spinach enfusoria'. Once they start turning into little shrimplets as opposed to larvae start to lower the salinity till they're back to freshwater conditions then just grow them on until they're big enough to go into the main tank.

I'd say it's a faff, but it shouldn't be too hard.

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