Am new..


New Member
Jul 25, 2022
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Hiya all, am an young woman, who is interested in all of the aquarium topic. I'm in Yorkshire, Leeds.
I had an aquarium with guppies at my childhood, and even managed to create a new breed - female guppies with long dorsal fins which touched even their tails or longer. Being a girl child, I thought that the female guppies needed something like long hair or braids, lol, and made the breed finally, after 4-5 years of attempting. It was rather long ago, and was forgotten. However I am still fond of fish tanks and guppies. Also I like neons or Cardinal tetra.
Hello 👋🏻 if you've any photos of those guppies I'd love to see them!
Welcome to the forum!
Nice to have ya here!
Hello from a fellow Yorkshirian :)

Well young woman from Leeds,
Welcome to TFF... :hi:
If you still have guppies, some photos of them would be nice to post...
Hello from a fellow Yorkshirian :)

Hello guys !
Unfortunately, I need to move to another property soon. It's hard to move with a fish tank.. Any ideas? Or someone can come and take my fish as a gift or a temporary shelter ? There are 2 Cardinal tetra, 1 female endler guppy, and 1 sunset male platy. My tank is 22 litres volume.
That's only a small tank. Try moving 40 tanks that range in size from 40 litres to 400 litres, and a few ponds.

Post #2 of the following link has info on moving house with fish.

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