Am I Still Overtocked?


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
My 10g tank now has you can see in my signature...2 small fancy guppies, 2 bronze cories, 2 platies and 2 gouramis. I recently removed 2 feeder goldfish and a Chinese Algae Eater, and unfortunately my red wag platy died. Am I still overstocked? I have 2 filters currently running...a whisper 10 and a whisper 20.
The rule tends to be one inch per gallon. So work out how many inches of fish you have when theyre full grown and compare that to 10GALS. You should have about 10 inches worth of fish in length at full size in a tank of that size.
According to the Pinned topic in the gourami forum, yes you are.

Thick-Lipped Gourami

The Thick-Lipped Gourami, Colisa labiosa, is one of the less popular members of the genus. It is often mixed up with the Banded Gourami, Colisa fasciata, due to similar body marking and size. The Thick-Lipped Gourami grows to 8 cm's (4"). They are natrually found in Burma and were first introduced to the hobby in 1904. These fish should not be kept in a tank smaller than 20 U.S gallons. Soft, acidic water is a

These fish can be readily sexed. The male has much brighter colours and a steeply pointed dorsal fin.

Breeding is best in a sperate aquarium.

Sure that the Opaline is a similar size too.

Yes, you are still over-stocked. The 'inch per gallon guideline' is ok as far as lengths and waste go but there are other things to consider - In this case it is the two gouramies you are trying to keep in there - the thick-lipped gets to 3.5" and the opaline to 6" so realy that's overstocking (by the inch rule) in itself but my concern is their aggression and territoriality as they mature. Neither of these fish should be kept in a tank this kind of size with other gouramies. Thick-lipped are more peaceful but, if you do happen to have a pair of males, your opaline will tare the other apart - well it may tare the other apart either way...

You should have nothing but the livebearers and cories in there - each cory gets to 3" (luckily they are not poop-machines like some other catfish) and realy need a group of 4 - which you have no room for though but they'll be ok.
And each guppy and platy will get to around 1.5" - except for female guppies which can get to 2.5". With either species, if you have both sexes, you will end up over-stocked with fry and livebearers like these should be kept at a ratio of at least 2 females to every male. Hopefuly all you have is males.
Hmm, ur still overstocked though. Hate to say it but for the good of the rest of them, id recommend gettin rid of the gouramis.
Lol - yes gouramies vary greatly in character. You probably have a female opaline and male thick-lipped. Doesn't matter though - you're still overstocked and as they grow they will become aggressive.

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