Am I overstocked? A question you've answered.....

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Aug 21, 2005
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I have a 37 USG tank and I just finished stocking after 3 months of having it set up. I thought this would be OK but now I'm thinking twice:

5 - neon tetras
1 - female platy
1 - male swordtail
4 - white cloud danio
1 - algae eater that I was told would grow to 5.5" max - I can't remember what it's called
3 - other tetra of some sort [again, can't remember their names]
1 - Dwarf Gourami

I researched each species for their adult size and I came up with 37.5" total in the tank when they're full grown.

Comments anyone?
fishyaddiction said:
I have a 37 USG tank and I just finished stocking after 3 months of having it set up. I thought this would be OK but now I'm thinking twice:

5 - neon tetras
1 - female platy
1 - male swordtail
4 - white cloud danio
1 - algae eater that I was told would grow to 5.5" max - I can't remember what it's called
3 - other tetra of some sort [again, can't remember their names]
1 - Dwarf Gourami

I researched each species for their adult size and I came up with 37.5" total in the tank when they're full grown.

Comments anyone?

I don't think you're overstocked. In fact, you might be best served to bring your White Cloud and "other" tetra schools up to 5 or 6 each.

The "algae eater" in that left pic is a Chinese Algae Eater. If that's really what you have, I'd suggest you return it. They get aggressive as they mature and will likely make life unpleasant for your otherwise peaceful community fish. To verify just what fish you have, take a look at this page: and let us know.
Yes, it's definitely a Chinese algae eater then. I find it odd that the store would say it gets to 5.5" and the research I did claims it can get to 10". I had my eye on a bristlenose plec - would this be OK instead? I definitely want an algae eater but only one that will get about 4 to 7". Suggestions are welcome.

I did have 5 white cloud but one perished the next day [yesterday]. It was strange though - I bought 3 white cloud about two months ago and the next day one of them looked as if it's mouth was locked open. It eventually died that morning. I finally went out and got 3 more [to make 5 total] and the same think happened to the one that died yesterday - its mouth was locked open.
fishyaddiction said:
Yes, it's definitely a Chinese algae eater then. I find it odd that the store would say it gets to 5.5" and the research I did claims it can get to 10". I had my eye on a bristlenose plec - would this be OK instead? I definitely want an algae eater but only one that will get about 4 to 7". Suggestions are welcome.

I did have 5 white cloud but one perished the next day [yesterday]. It was strange though - I bought 3 white cloud about two months ago and the next day one of them looked as if it's mouth was locked open. It eventually died that morning. I finally went out and got 3 more [to make 5 total] and the same think happened to the one that died yesterday - its mouth was locked open.

Give your LFS a hard time about the CAE, as that's the kind of advice that gets platys and dwarf gouramis killed. They should definitely give you a refund or store credit for it.

A bristlenose or clown plec would be just fine, as they only get to about 4".

Haven't heard of the mouth thing. Hopefully someone will come along with an answer to that soon.

How are your water parameters?
Amonia: 0
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: between 20 and 40
pH: I use bullseye 7.0 since my tap water is reading at 6.4
Ive always had a CAE in my 3ft (until this year when i got MTS) in total around 15+years. Never had one get over 6" and never ever had problems with them being agressive or killing anyfish.
I raise me fry in the same tank as the 5" on i have now. Remember lots of sizes on sites are wild sizes much smaller sizes can be expected in tank keeped fish.
Just my input to the arguement. Hope it helps as they are proberly one of my favourate fish.

Acturally u r under stocking compare to my 25g, get that CAE away and get some that dont eat other fishes slime coat. Like otocat :)
you are actually fine. i would get 1 more white cloud and 2 more of the "tetra", and get rid of the CAE and get something like 3 ottos or a small plec(cant help here as i dont know much about them). dont know about the jaw prob though. if possible i would reframe from useing any ph buffers as large swings in ph can stress fish a lot
fishyaddiction said:
and look at the FIRST reply to this person's question; it's the fish in the set of three pics at the bottom - the one on the left.
If it's the one on the BOTTOM then it's a pleco I think but that wouldn't make sense because they get HUGE. If it is the CAE then everyone is correct that they get aggressive.

fishyaddiction said:
Amonia: 0
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: between 20 and 40
pH: I use bullseye 7.0 since my tap water is reading at 6.4
I would stop using the pH adjuster. I'm sure your pH is very much up and down with you using that. The fish you have will be fine in a pH of 6.4. Actually, they will do better with the pH stable and constant at 6.4 that with it ranging from 6.4 to 7.0.
That CAE is going to be a B%#&H to capture - the darn thing is quick! Does antone have a pic of the clown pleco? I'm having trouble finding one on-line.
I don't think clowns eat algae so you may be better with a bristle nose or a rubbernose plec if you want something to control algae.


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