Am I Overfeeding My Fish?

Discus fish are rather fragile and like to be kept in groups of 6 or more, generally 1 discus per 10 gallons. They are sensitive to all the main water parameters and prefer very soft, acidic water (low hardness, low pH) you would not be able to keep any of the fish you have in the tank currently. They also like the water very warm, at about 84-86 degrees F, which would stress your fish and kill them slowly. Only tank mates for discus to my knowledge are cardinal tetras, sterbai cories, and german blue rams.

African cichlids need the exact opposite, very hard, alkaline water, high pH, high hardness. 99% of them need to be kept in groups to disperse aggression, and need lots of rocks to claim territories.

If you do change your tank either way, it's strongly advised you remove all the residents. Both african cichlids and discus are more of a specialized setup which need very specific tankmates, and the fish you have are not those tank mates.

What are the dimensions of your tank?

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