I have a very small tank (24x8x8) around 8 Gallons...
It contains the following...
1 Dwarf gourami
3 Platies
2 Albino Tiger Barbs
2 Dwarf Corys
1 Bristle nosed catfish
1 fresh Water shrimp
2 Apistogramma dwarf cichlids
Everyone seems quite happy and lively and I do a 33% water change once a week...
It contains the following...
1 Dwarf gourami
3 Platies
2 Albino Tiger Barbs
2 Dwarf Corys
1 Bristle nosed catfish
1 fresh Water shrimp
2 Apistogramma dwarf cichlids
Everyone seems quite happy and lively and I do a 33% water change once a week...