Ooh yeay, I can give him sea monkeys, right on!! I can't get any type of worms here, like the black worms and stuff.... so I'll definitely try out the sea monkeys and see how my baby likes them, thanks for the tip
Babyfish, When I got my baby, the guy at the fish store (of course I'm learning NOT to TRUST anything they say, they'll say whatever to make a buck or two) that it's good to put in Meth Blue too (apart from the decholrinator) because it helps "prevent" infections and sicknesses... then again my baby got ich, probably from the fish store (honestly, I feel sorry for all those fish

) So right now he's on Meth Blue and Malachite Green and it seems to be helping!
I didn't know Meth kills the good bacteria (oh no!)

So what else could I use as a preventive against sicknesses, salt? Or just REALLY REALLY CLEAN water?
Cali, I like your method, I think I'll do that B) well until I get a bigger tank with the works

Then I'll do the whole gravel vac thing