hi, been doing the same routine for 6 months and all parameters are fine. i cleaned one of my external filters today and the ceramic rings were still very white so i thought i would post up how i change my water and make sure i am not killing bacteria. first i switch everything off and turn the filter taps to shut. then i put the hose in the tank and connect it to my tap, i then send a quick burst of 25 degree water down the hose into the tank and disconnect the tap end to start the siphon. i then drain 50% and clean the substrate. i then mix the water in my sink to 25 degrees and then fill the tank with it via hose, i add one cap full of prime as i start filling and then a cap full as i finish. i then switch on the powerhead to circulate the prime dechloranator. then leave it 5 mins and switch on the filters.
is this ok?
is this ok?