Well, that got his attention, still lying to me though...
you are the first customer that I have deal with.Normally it's no
problem that you want your money $147 back but I also want my fish
back because I 'm sure that my fish I sent you are the one that you
one. Thanks,
I'm not sure what he means I am the first customer he's had to deal with...he has a feedback of 28, maybe I'm the first who didn't buy his marble changing colors line?
my reply....
If the fish that you sent me are the same ones, then why was one of them up for sale again on aquabid two weeks after I had purchased him? These are not the same fish, as I pointed out before the branching is entirely different. Yes, marble bettas change colors, their branching does not. I have also sent pictures to Linda who has assured me the fish looked exactly the same while they were in her care and she agrees that they are also not the same fish. The branching is not the same!!
If something happened to my fish, or you no longer have them, by all means let me know. I'm willing to drop the whole thing if you'll send me half my money back (as I don't believe these fish are comprable to the ones I won). Otherwise I will continue to persue this as a legal matter. I would truly appreciate it if you would let me know what happened to the fish that I purchased.
Seriously, why won't he tell me where they are

!!!!! Anyway, Linda is the transhipper, fyi, and she is on my side too so ha