Although He Passed Today From Unknown Reasons


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
Hey guys i got him yesterday and he seemed fine and everything jsut a little skinny. well he was out and active when i left a few hours ago and well when i came back he was dead. you can see my other post here to read about the troubles.

but i figured ot post pics of him anyways. this was taken last night and he was as active as when i left this afternoon, he jsut died for no reason and it bothers me that i don't know why. he seemed so happy. but anyways, here are some pics that i took last night of him.

*note* I am using a freind of mine's photobucket so don't think that there is anything funny going on ok guys.





may he RIP :-( :rip: :byebye:
That is so sad, what a beautyful fish, there must have been something wrong when you got it, as it seems like you did everything right.

That is so sad, what a beautyful fish, there must have been something wrong when you got it, as it seems like you did everything right.


thansk so much, i am still sad about it. i was thinking that maybe where he was thin that maybe he jsut died from starvation. i knew i should've fed him last night but didn't want to risk stressing him from feeding him before he was settled in. he was in with 2 oscars and a clown knife all around his size so maybe they ate all the food and picked on him. my fish didn't even pay mind to him, in fact they seemed to not even know he was even in the tank.

but i thank you for your comment it made me a little happier knowing that i didn't do anything wrong and htat it must've been sick before i got him and i jsut didn't notice :)
he was in with 2 oscars

I guess your oscars are much nicer than mine...well mine is not really all that mean, just moody and heaven help any fish that tries to take any food from it.

Sorry for your loss, but tomorrow's a new day.
he was in with 2 oscars

I guess your oscars are much nicer than mine...well mine is not really all that mean, just moody and heaven help any fish that tries to take any food from it.

Sorry for your loss, but tomorrow's a new day.

sorry i must've misworded that or worded it a bit confusing. he was in with 2 oscars and a clown knife fish i nthe pet store. i will return him and hopefully they will refund my money. i will wait a bit, but i still would like to get another one in the future, a BGK that is.
they are a really fascinating fish. very personable and fun to keep. just make sure you do all your research (seems you already do).

post pics when you replace him.
i feel your pain!

my BGK was pretty tiny and always hid in the rock pile i had.

it was a big pile so he was fine for space but jus yesterday i took down the pile and was gonna move him (didnt realise how fast he wasnt growing as i never saw him) but hes gone :(

think my birchir slithered in and got him.

like i sed, as i didnt see him i jus didnt realise how big my other fish had got in comparison to him.

gonna try get a bigger one next.
i feel your pain!

my BGK was pretty tiny and always hid in the rock pile i had.

it was a big pile so he was fine for space but jus yesterday i took down the pile and was gonna move him (didnt realise how fast he wasnt growing as i never saw him) but hes gone :(

think my birchir slithered in and got him.

like i sed, as i didnt see him i jus didnt realise how big my other fish had got in comparison to him.

gonna try get a bigger one next.

yea that's my plan too. get a HUGE well established tank (by then the other fish should be huge :lol:), but then get a bigger one and keep my fingers crossed. my tank is only a 55 gal running for about 6 months so i mightve tried to soon.

but the guy at the pet store said that my levels were perfect in my tank for my water sample, he jsut died mysteriously.

at least you have an excuse lol. your bichir couldve done him in, mine jsut keeled over :(

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