Alternative Foods


New Member
Apr 6, 2006
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Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone could suggest some alternative foods to to feed as well as flake.

I already feed frozen daphnia once or twice a week, and have tried cooked peas which didn't seem
to go down too well! Not sure I cooked them long enough though?

I have 4 red wagtail platys and 8 lemon tetras.

Thanks in advance.

Billt the Fish :D
with the peas, you have to cook em, peal the skins off and mush em up, then feed it :) hope the take to them, my dads fish eat peas off my fingers, its so much fun!
It took a while for some of my fish to get used to peas but now they all like them when done as the previous poster mentioned. I also feed frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp. In the summer I used to leave my stocktank out on my deck on purpose and then collect the mosquito larvae to feed them, too. I was also able to get live daphnia from a local store but it's not local to me anymore and I haven't found a similar place near here. I also keep a couple of different kinds of flakes on hand so that even if I don't have time to make up something else I can give them something a bit different in their diets.
have you tried frozen daphnia or brine shrimp either frozen or live.My fish including my tetra go mad for chopped prawns and mussel. :D
Thanks for the replies, I think I'll give the peas another go but make them mushier and perhaps the brine shrimp as they already like the Daphnia.

Bill the Fish :D
Livefood every time. Flake alternate days.

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