ALRIGHT, my horny little Angels spawned

3rd spawn, each one has ended in the parents EATING the eggs....

  • YES, take them out and put them in the cycled 10 gallon

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  • NO, leave them in there and let them try a few more times

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • EHHH, if they start eating them, take'em outta there!!!

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THe male is so sweet.......he would never attack his wifey :*) :-( :wub: but she does keep him in line that's for sure. If she don't want him by her eggs she'll give him a peck. You know, as with any marriage......them darn men can get outta line and we women just have to put them in their place!! :rofl:

The males body is around the size of a pop can top then you have his short finnies too :*) The female is about the size of a golf ball.............not fat wise of course, just 2 dimensionally :rolleyes: Urgh, I've confused myself again :-( :rofl:

You know, as with any marriage......them darn men can get outta line and we women just have to put them in their place!!
I think you have it all wrong.......... I'm looking over my shoulder now to see were the wife is.

The angels I saw before that were breeding had bodies the size of a baseball, not including the fins.

I am dumbfounded...........BASEBALL SIZED, HOLY MACROLE......and I thought my male was big!!!!!! SHEESH!!!

Okay, now that my feet are back on Angels HAVE in fact started hurting each other...... :-( The male has pecked my females eye all to heck and it's all hazy and a little puffy.....I can't believe this....he is such a jerk :grr: ;)

I have already started medicating the tank with medicine that should help.....I can no longer care about the fry and whether the medicine is good for them or not....I have to worry about my wittle-Angel mama :-(

Darn them, they were doing so good. I've seperated them as well (tank divider) and my hospital tank is full at present! This may be a dumb question, but is it normal for them to fight like this?? :sad: :sad:
Should I expect to have to seperate them after the spawning?
Ok, there are several different strains of angelfish. The angelfish that the person I knew was breeding was Pterophyllum altum. He was actually my biology teacher from high school.
Here's a webpage on them I found.

Size says: Up to 18 cm long, up to 25 cm high. = 7" long and 9.8" high.
I'm thinking a baseball is around 3 to 3.5" around. Does not sound that unreasonable for this fish. He's angels were the biggest that I've ever seen. They were huge.

True I'm thinking of large angelfish, I have not had any in a long time. I guess some strains now a days might only get around a half dollar body size.
Geez, I almost forgot to say sorry about your angels not behaving.
They are cichlids. I think everyone knows how cichlids can be.
My discus do not pick on each other when they are breeding, but they can get pretty aggressive to the other discus in the tank.
WOW..that is truly an AMAZING size of Angel. They are out of this world!!
I do hope that mine aren't that kind :X Don't think they are :no:

Yes you are right, they are cichlids.....darn them cichlids all to heck :lol: :*)

I believe with all the comotion they ended up eating all the eggs. There may be a few left, but it's hard saying :dunno: I just hope the mama's eye is okay!

Do you think I should seperate them after future spawnings (with a tank divider) so this doesn't happen again? :/
Hope your female eye gets better.
I'm sure your angels will spawn again, so do not worry.
Maybe they are like discus. Sometimes the parents never get it right. If that's the case then, if you want to raise the fry, you will have to remove the parents.

As for seperating them in future spawns, might be a good idea if there injuring each other.
I did a quick search for angelfish forums, I imagine they could help you better.

Good luck Silver

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