ALRIGHT, my horny little Angels spawned

3rd spawn, each one has ended in the parents EATING the eggs....

  • YES, take them out and put them in the cycled 10 gallon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, leave them in there and let them try a few more times

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • EHHH, if they start eating them, take'em outta there!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
2 weeks TO THE DAY, they have spawned a 3rd time!!

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Keep your fingers crossed for me everyone....I want baby fishies this time :-( :nod:

Lets hope the little BABY EATERS leave'em ALONE this go around :grr: :lol:

Does anyone know what the babies of these two would end up looking like??

Here are 2 photos from their first spawn (mom's on top here)

<<<<MOM ----------------------------- DAD>>>>
congrats again silver.

I think what they look like would depend on them and what their parents looked like.

Did you give them that talking to about not eating their babies yet??

Goodluck :D
Ya, I've tried explaining that it is frowned upon in this society and that any DECENT mother or father does NOT eat their own babies.........I don't care WHO they are!!! :rofl: :rofl:

They just DON'T SEEM TO GET IT :blink:


I've just made a Poll, maybe I won't get many respnses, but that's okay.

I just don't know what to do :unsure:
Leave them to it and try to leave them alone as much as possible and minimise stress.

They will only eat their eggs if they feel they are in danger, to stop someone else eating them basically (I think).

It's funny because the longest they have let them live was when they were in the 55 gallon and that was their first spawn and me and my son were constantly over there annoying them as were the other fish in there :*)

I moved them into their own tank about a month or two ago and then they spawned again right away and ate them within 48 hours..........this time they seem to have lasted a little longer..........I don't think they are eating them......and I have paper up all over the glass except along the front bottom and side tops so they get some light....I don't have a light on, they prefer it off, they are much less active fish when the lights are on! :dunno:

I guess we will see.....

I'm thinking about maybe taking them out (it will be easy because she layed them on the filter intake tube) by moving the filter onto my 10 gallon and buying a new filter for their 20gal breeding tank! I can only assume in 2 more weeks she will have more anyhow and they can try and raise those ones.........what do you think???

For some strange reason I keep coming back to this feeling of guilt. I don't know why, but I just think I'd feel bad taking the eggs away from the mama because she is such a good one :-( Gad I don't know :eek:
silver said:

It's funny because the longest they have let them live was when they were in the 55 gallon and that was their first spawn and me and my son were constantly over there annoying them as were the other fish in there :*)

I moved them into their own tank about a month or two ago and then they spawned again right away and ate them within 48 hours..........this time they seem to have lasted a little longer..........I don't think they are eating them......and I have paper up all over the glass except along the front bottom and side tops so they get some light....I don't have a light on, they prefer it off, they are much less active fish when the lights are on! :dunno:

I guess we will see.....

I'm thinking about maybe taking them out (it will be easy because she layed them on the filter intake tube) by moving the filter onto my 10 gallon and buying a new filter for their 20gal breeding tank! I can only assume in 2 more weeks she will have more anyhow and they can try and raise those ones.........what do you think???

For some strange reason I keep coming back to this feeling of guilt. I don't know why, but I just think I'd feel bad taking the eggs away from the mama because she is such a good one :-( Gad I don't know :eek:
i had then same prob with a pair of severums on one occasion i removed the adults and placed a air stone under the rock the fry hatched by i had too put lots of medication in as the un fretized eggs were not picked off by the parents

lots of luck silver!!!
Congrats Silver.

I'd give them more time. They look young.
If there like my crazy discus you'll be up in the teens of spawns with no fry. I do not even count anymore. Do not care anymore either.
I did want to try to raise my discus fry. I'm almost done my stand for a 29 gallon tank, which is what I was going to use. I have so many hobbies that I'm going to make it a community tank of some kind. Raising discus fry would just take up too of my time.

Well good luck with your angels.
Thanks Elgecko! ;)

You're probably right about the Discus fry taking up a lot of your time. I couldn't imagine trying to raise Discus fry, I don't even know what I'm doing with my Angels and Discus are way more finiky aren't they!!?? Sheesh........ :blink: Maybe they will get it right someday......... :dunno:

Then again, maybe not! ;)

My two black lace/marble WHATEVER Angels that I've shown above are actually adults......bout 2 years old. The male is actually very big bodied, but they both have sort of stubby finnage.......don't know why really! :dunno:
Silver, once again, good luck to you. Coincidentally, I am going through the same thing with my pair of angels. I say pair, but at this point I'm not sure if they are even a male/female pair. I'm finding spawnigs frequently, maybe four or five in the last two months, some of them I have left with the parents, couple of times eggs have been laid on removable items so I tried hatching artificially. Parents always eat eggs when they are left in the tank, eggs always fungus (turn white) when removed, even with adition of methylene blue and aeration. I have spawned angels before, but always bought several juv., raised them up, let them pick their own mates. In this case, these were the only two angels in the tank (given to me by a friend). I'm not really sure what is going on, just waiting it out, see what happens. They'll either get it or they won't, assuming that it's even possible for them. Feeling your frustration, just so you know, you're not alone. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you if you keep yours crossed for me? :crazy:
If your eggs are turning white it sound like they are not fertilized.

The parent will eat, or pick them off, the unfertilized eggs.

From the pictures they do not look very big.
My Angels have started attacking their reflections!!!!!
I hope they do not start attacking each other.

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