Alpha Betta Sorority


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
There was a girly tank already, but it wasn't big enough to put all the girls in. I knew it was only temporary


Last weekend I got a 25 usg tall for the girls. Tonight I set it up and got them in. So now everyone is in at least 3 usg, and no one is in a bowl. :D As a matter of fact, Rudy Valentino, my Synirr boy has a ten gal all to himself. It's the former girly tank. I hope to put a tribe of pandas in it for now--if I can get them out of the Mini/Dwarf Tank.

Well, enough of that. Here's the Alpha Betta Girls. I think they like it--and there's room for a few more. :D





Recognise anyone, Synirr?
There are 2 Synirr girls in the tank, Mae and Greta. See if you can spot them.






Well. I like it, and the girls like it. It's not the Kung-Foo Kill Bill House, though. Although, I haven't named the platinum, the "yellow long fin plakat," or the Orange girl. And there's still the Wuv girls to come. :thumbs:
That's a great tank Jollysue! So do you plan any pledge stuff for the sorority girls. I hope no hazing was involved to join!
Haha! I am really happy with it. And it is right where I can look at it from my computer--the center of my home life. I am really grateful to the fellow I ran into in another forum who encouraged me to check the bettas out. And as I remember I muscled in on your thread the first day, Iljdma. You were most gracious. :)

And all the talk about the sorority tanks hooked me. Thanks everyone.

Well, three new girls were added last night. There were lots of puffed out chests and a little chasing, but nothing serious. The little "yellow long fin plakat" baby heads for the dense foliage at times, when the big girls are testing the leadership. There is some new pecking order being established right now: The Orange HM Plakat has come out of hiding and is flaring and claiming her space in the free swim zone, so that has begun new flaring and some mad dogging glares.

It is an interesting socialogical study. :lol: The two biggest girls seem to be staying in the foliage waiting for the rest to establish an order.

The only requirement to join was an ovipositor. :D
Great tank! Looks like the ladies enjoy their new setup :D
Hi jollysue :)

That's a very pretty tank! :thumbs: Is that black sand on the bottom? :unsure:
Thanks for coming over to take a look. It's black Spectra Stone with multi neon color bits. It seemed appropriate for the ladies. It's what gave the Pulcher Variant #3 cories a sore nose. :lol:

I think my platinum VT lady is getting punked though. She looks like she has a nip on her side, and she's hiding out a lot. I may have to move her. I'm sure Rudy, the Synirr boy, would love a neighbor.
I love it! And such pretty girls :wub:
What are those colored boxes/caves that you have in there?
I really like how they look!
Haha! The 2 colored boxes, naughtygirlrlw, came with plants one spring for the window sill. The girls like them. They seem to like the lip around the top to hide behind and peek out. I'm always scouring the house for cave material. I have taken to using tea cups, but they don't have the lip, so they aren't as popular.

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