Fish Crazy
Bignose, What the hell is wrong with my cory's using recreational drugs if they want! I think that could be a debate in its self, lots of animals do that, pigs get drunk on rotten veg, slugs get high on creasote (sp?) monkeys steel booze from tourists when ever they can, wasps love lager! The cory's are stuck in a 3 foot square for my entertainment! Where is the love?
My cat has catnip from time to time! And to be honest I'm no saint when it comes to recreational activity.
Ok, thats stupid, I'm joking... I promise.
But, I read somewhere that a green shine on corys is a sign of good health and they look really heathy, at the
I know, that is half assed research putting 2 plus 2 and makin 128 but still, It seems to help, and I like the idea of being able to use plants n stuff to help the fish rather than chemicals (which I don't use). Ok your right, I will do a little more research into the area, but so far I'm pro.
My cat has catnip from time to time! And to be honest I'm no saint when it comes to recreational activity.
Ok, thats stupid, I'm joking... I promise.
But, I read somewhere that a green shine on corys is a sign of good health and they look really heathy, at the
I know, that is half assed research putting 2 plus 2 and makin 128 but still, It seems to help, and I like the idea of being able to use plants n stuff to help the fish rather than chemicals (which I don't use). Ok your right, I will do a little more research into the area, but so far I'm pro.