alligator gar...


New Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Now thats what i call a fish !!!! And to think some people buy them for their tanks ?!!! :hyper: . Why the picture of the drunken kitty? -_-
Yikes I'm never river swimming again! :crazy:

More info on the photo and the big fish please. Is it you or a friend in the photo or just a photo you found?

Yeah....and why the drunk kitty?? :/
That fish would take more than the tip off an index finger - cripes - he'd take the bottom half of your arm!

Jaws - eat your heart out!! :hyper:
That ones only a baby, i believe at the turn of the century they were catching aligator gars over 3 meters (10ft) long!!!!!!
So I assume an alligator gar isn't an ideal community fish for my 10 gal? :blink:
Alien Anna said:
So I assume an alligator gar isn't an ideal community fish for my 10 gal? :blink:
Yes it will be fine and you can keep it fed on a diet of flakes and small children :lol:

btw folks im joking :nod: (apart from the small children bit :lol: )
heres what i have read about them:
Scientific name: Atractosteus spatula
Price: £10-£25 for a baby
Size: potentially up to 3m/10' in the wild
Gars have unusal scales which preventy the body from flexing much. This means that they are not very bendy and they need an extra wide aquarium to allow them to turn around comfortably. You will need a large indoor pool to keep one properly. Outgrows most aquaria


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