Allergic to cats


Fish Herder
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
I've been allergic to cats for as long as I can remember. Here's the issue... my fiance and I just recently went to the humane society and adopted our kitty Aubie. I am allergic to him... no doubt about it. I'm taking extra precautions on how to reduce allergens and have come up with the following:

1) He's not allowed in the bedrooms.
2) HEPA air filters in rooms where the cat hangs out
3) HEPA air filter in the vacuum. I've vacummed every other day since we've gotten him.
4) No eye rubbing and constantly washing my hands.
5) Cat baths or wipe downs. When he gets older I'll be using Allerpet to help reduce allergens.
6) Brushing the cat with a fine toothed comb to rid loose fur.
7) Also, I've recently quit smoking and found that it would help reduce upper respiratory problems and make me less sensitive to cat allergens.

So far it seems to be working. Once in awhile I'll get watery eyes or start wheezing when I'm around the little guy for extended amounts of time, but then I just take some Claritin and everything's gravy again. Maybe I'm getting used to him... If you could think of anything else that I should try, please let me know. Thanks!
My hubby was allergic to everything including animals. Severly allergic to cats. He has been on Zyrtec for almost 2 years. It works wonders with the dog.

I keep him nice & clean with a couple of brushing a week & usually a bath a every 3-4 weeks. Good dog chow helps to reduce shedding so I am sure there is something available for cats also. I also keep him shaved during high shedding times which also seems to help.
Thanks kimbowee. I hadn't thought about specific foods that may make a difference. I was just feeding my kitten some foods that I heard were great for kittens. I'll check that out or ask the vet. :cool:

I can't believe no one else has allergy issues... -_-
I'm allergic to cats as well. :/

I just put up with it lol..I couldn't live without cats..I love them.

I take Benadryl if my eyes start itching to badly. Rubbing your eyes after touching a cat isn't normally what causes you to have a reaction. The dander in the air is causing getting in your eyes and nose. But it's still healthy to wash your hands after petting a cat..they do get in the litter box *eww* lol.


Not all cats will trigger the same response. The allergen is due to their dander (otherwise known as dandruff)'s caused from them licking themselves. So if your cat licks itself alot..and you are allergic to cats chances are you will have a bigger response. So in essence you are allergic to their spit...which is what the dander is..dried spit.

If you have a cat that just licks incessantly can also rub some Bitter Apple on them..they won't be able to lick then..of course...that's kinda mean in a way, but it will stop it lol.
I'd only suggest that for someone who has one of those cats (and we've all seen one too, don't say you haven't) that is constantly licking themselves. These tend to be the same cats who have problems with hairballs alot...due to all the licking.


They sell pet wipes (they are similar to baby wipes, just not as wet or thick) so you can swab them down a couple times a day...get a cat used to them as a baby and they will actually like them later in cats don't normally like them if they aren't used to them (it gets them wet).

Brushing the cat daily is just going to stir up the dander and make your allergies react worse...if you need to remove loose hair use a fabric softener sheet (you can also use those roller's designed to remove lint from your clothes if the cat sheds alot)..not a brush.


Feeding quality dog food (like Eukanuba especially) will make the cat have "greasier" hair (doesn't mean they will look like they just went back in time to the 80's grunge look though lol), which will weigh it down. It will also make them nice and shiny as does help. Eukanuba sells a formula for small breed dogs and one for small breed puppies..they are the perfect sizes for a cat/kitten.


Febreeze just came out with a new formula room deodorizer called Allergen reducer. You spray it on your fabric furniture and carpet and it weighs the dander (and other allergen sources) down so they can't waif around in the air...causing you grief. Makes your rooms smell good too :D.


Don't buy or obtain long haired cats if you are allergic to cats.
Having to have them shaved is not a solution....because the hair can't be kept short year round..and really, what's the point in owning a long hair cat..that you have to keep shaved. -_- People make fun of shaved cats, most cats don't appreciate it all that much lol, and it gets expensive having to take them to the groomer for trims (most have to be sedated, because they freak out).

Shaved cats will also still lick themselves just as much..out of habit and desire....which will still lead to it just doesn't make sense to do all that work and spend all that money and still have the same problems as a short hair cat. :dunno:
I know what you mean about having to take some sort of pill for the allergies... I'm currently using Claritin and Allegra and they seem to be working great thus far.

My kitten doesn't seem to lick himself too much at the moment, usually only after he eats, but then again, he's a baby and can't even clean himself properly just yet. He gets a pet wipe after meals or else he gets food all over the house from his paws (awww.. they're so cute).

I've already started my fiance on the brushing so I won't have to do them myself and they seem to working well. Plus he gets to have QT with the little guy.

The Febreeze you mentioned is wonderful! After a nice vacuuming of the house, I use the Allergen Reducer on the carpet. Luckily, we have leather furniture and his fur doesn't stick to it.

I'm currently feeding him Nutro Natural, Nutro Max, and Eukanuba for kittens. He seems to like it since he's so finicky about what he eats...

Thanks for all the additional information SRC!
My boyfriend is allergic to cats real bad and I have 20 cats in all. He takes Claritin mostly and he gets along ok. Until his asthma starts flaring up because of the cats. That is where your problem starts coming if you have asthma because the cats will cause attacks.
There is an organic product called "Petal Cleanse" you could try. You rub it into the cats fur. I've never used it but know somebody who does but she is UK akso so you would need to google it to see if it is available near you.
Thanks everyone for the information! My fiance and I were talking about this last night and I told him everyone's great ideas and he was glad that there are ways to help reduce this craziness (allergies, not mental) I'm going through. Just in a week I've noticed a tremendous difference. Now... if only the kitty could learn how to vacuum.... ;)
What changes have you made to your routine regarding the kitten, if you don't mind me asking?

And what changes have you noticed.

Reason I ask could help anyone who might be lurking and not posting ;).
In the original post I noted all the extra precautions I've taken thus far. I've noticed that there is far less dust in the house, which causes my sneezing fits, but also helps reduce my allergic reactions. Reducing one aspect of your allergies helps reduce animal allergies. Since I stopped smoking, I've noticed the cat allergies I have are also less severe.

When I get scratched by Aubie, I usually use a Benadryl Itch Relief Stick which is mainly a topical analgesic and skin protectant (relieves the itch of bug bites, poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac), but also works for cat scratches or anything that appears to irritate the skin.

I honestly think I'm becoming immune to the little guy. Some days it's wonderful and I have no problems, but other days I get the itchy skin, watery eyes, runny nose (the whole shebang), but on those days I just take a Claritin-D and I'm off doing all my normal activities.

Good luck to all those with the same problems and I hope everything works out well.
I have four cats right now that I am allergic to myself :). I however do not keep them out of the rooms the girls take turns sleeping in bed with me. Whoevers turn it is not to sleep with me lurks snarls and growls from her second choice bed also in my room. :D

I also quit smoking about two months ago and have noticed a huge improvement. I have the hepa filter in my vacum as well, tho I have upgraded from hepa room filters to Lifewise filters. I keep one in the front room and have one pointed right at my bed (huge improvement no longer wake up with swollen eyes) I take off brand Claritin so much cheaper same ingredients. SRC I cant believe you can pop a benadryl they knock me out.

On a side note if you look at the active ingredient for most over the counter sleeping aids its 50 mg Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, Benadryls active ingredient 25 mg Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride....
Kitty's not allowed in the bedroom since I want an area to seek refuge if I'm not feeling well. Otherwise I just feel miserable.

I'll take whatever I can get for allergies. Claritin just seems to be in the house all the time. :dunno: But you're right, Benedryl seems to knock me out as well. Makes me feel all loopy...
I am pretty much allergic to everything, even myself (it's true! :rofl: ) :lol:

I only have to be within a stone's throw of chemicals to break out in a rash. I even get a reaction from being on the other end of the house when Kel uses mild chemicals to mop the floor with. Washing powder, dishwashing liquid, soap, shampoo, pollen, animal fur, petrol, carpet, tap water (I get rashes just from taking a shower, before I even look at the soap or shampoo), grass, wool, bird feathers (I can barely see and rash up really bad some days from these), synthetic fibres and pretty much everything else will cause me to itch for hours at a time, sometimes days. Using stuff that is supposedly made for sensitive skin does nothing to help either, I am even allergic to that.

I have been like it ever since I can remember though and am used to it. It's annoying but I just deal with it. There's no point in using any sorts of creams, etc to try and help it either, they just make it worse because I am allergic to them as well :lol:

I own three cats and a bird and have been around cats, birds and dogs my whole life and always will be. Alergies or not, I love animals and wouldn't be without them.

Most reactions
