All you University students


Aug 8, 2005
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So how do you guys do it? I originally started with 1 betta to take with me to uni and well now I have 10, yes it went quick and I even gave 3 away. Still have 10 though. I go home on most weekends, so I leave them there, the big tank has a heater, the rest don't but they should be fine from friday til sunday. What I'm wondering is, those of you who have like more than I do, such as riogal I think it was who had tooo many;) , how do you do it when you go home for like more than a few days? Are you taking them with? I am going to have to put them in cups and drag them home. I'm just looking for ideas. Thanks
Bags, m'dear ;) Bags, and make sure you have temporary quarters at home for them. I also use ice cream tubs beacuse they stack well, but when you bag them, you can fit them all into one shoulder bag.

It's stressful on them being dumped into new water, so siphon off some tank water and splice the water at home with that; that's how I do it, anyway. Saves having to haul the tank back with you.
Hmm I dunno if I like the bag idea haha. I'm just looking at ideas of what others are doing.
Andie, do you have any plakats? I'm just trying to think cause I know you have something other than VTs.
Currently I have one delta and two super delta males, plus my four SD girlies, but my spawn should throw approx. twenty five percent plakats, so give me three weeks and I'll be able to tell you that yes, indeed, I do have plakats :p
Haha, I was seriously thinking I was the only one in the maritimes that had plakats, they are really rare around here. In fact I've never seen anything other than VT males at stores. No females at all what so ever.
Critters Pet Store in Charlottetown ;) Gorgeous delta boys. Hop on a bus and come see for yourself :whistle:

ETA: Depending on how big a spawn I have, they may soon have PKs on their hands, too! :lol:
are you giving them your fish or are they buying them from you? I'm thinking of trying something with a lps but I wouldn't just want to give them to them for free
I might charge a small fee, pp five dollars per male and two or three per female. I'm keeping my favourites, but I'll still be selling them great bettas that they don't even have to pay shipping on, so I'm confident I can get at least five bucks each, yeah. They also charge more for the "rare" ones, so I know they won't quibble about my pricing ;)
That's what I was thinking too, but here they only charge 5 bucks for a VT male, so I wasn't sure if I could get anything out of the plakats. I already asked this in your other post with your pics of your gorgeous yellow boy, how much they charge for those over there?
I live in an apartment, so it's bigger than a dorm, but I will not leave my little men with my friend. She trashed my tank twice, and I love my bettas too much. I still worry about my rasboras and c. habrosus and all my plants, but she will learn how to water change before Christmas.

For Thanksgiving, I will double bag my bowl bettas and take them with me in a cooler, no ice. I travel for about 8 hours at the most when I fly, so they should be fine. They all fit in my backpack that's my personal item. So they're on the plane with me and my dog. Mom's buying me bowls in FL where their be ok for a week. For X-mas, I'll be taking home all 8 men, or more if I have more. I'm such a sucker for a betta and all I have to do is study for my prelims, so it leaves me time to go betta searching. Again, mommy will provide bowls for their temporary residence. They will live with me in Miami for about 6 weeks, then it's back to Champaign, IL. It's not really very difficult, I've traveled with pets before. I even plan on taking my rasboras and c. habrosus when I move permanently back to FL. Same travel method. Funny the only things I plan to take back are my computer, my tv, and my fish and plants. :D
redbetta, I'm spawning in my 20g growout tank because I am very poor :p I'm just dividing it down the middle and giving them 10g to spawn in. When the babies are about 3 weeks old I'll open up and let 'em roam.

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