All you University students

I'm not, actually :*) My dorm room isn't really conducive to raising cultures, so I'm feeding the babies hardboiled egg yolk as a first food. I'm also hoping to get some Liquifry or something similar from Critters, since they stock just about every other kind of nonliving food!

Ideally, yeah, I'd be feeding them at least frozen foods, but I can only give them the best of what I have, and sadly right now this is it :p
oh and what are you doing with them when you go home for xmas? sry for all the annoying questions
Never having spawned before, I can't give you a personal guarentee about egg yolk, but I do know that a lot of breeders in Thailand use it; it's very high in protein, and I can certainly tell you that the grown bettas are enjoying it!

At Christmas, everybody comes home with me! That is why I am getting jars with lids, lol! They have to be moved anyway because Christmas is when I move out of the dorms into the new residence, so I'd have a huge upheaval anyway. They'll be over two months old by then, and hopefully they'll make the trip just fine.
Obviously I leave them at school if i leave for a 2-3 day weekend. When it is longer such as Thanksgiving my housekeeper at school feeds them twice. Now as far as Christmas goes. They will all be going into the cups that they were bought in, and I will be transporting all of the tanks home with me, and redoing everyone when I get there. Then just lug them all back in January. It is a timely thing, but really no other option I suppose.
haha there goes andie with 100 cups of fish in a crate;) just kidding I'm excited for ya!
very true riogal. that's what redbetta is doing too with her 10 bettas

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