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Gill, PM sent, thank you :)
Ethan, I'm in mansfield. Do you mean the one at £6? I am in tonight if you want it.
Yes, I can hang on to it misscosmo.

Sorry ethan, just seen nessar had first dibs on the superfish heater. Will PM you now nessar.

Do you need a heater urgently ethan? Would the +/- one do?

Thanks for the plug realtree :blush:
Sorry misscosmo, ethan needs a heater urgently, so I've let it go to him.
Ok do you know if anyone else is selling heaters for cheap on here?

PM sent, always learning.
miss cosmo this heater on ebay is only just over £5, from hong kong, but the seller has good feedback, it just will take a while longer?
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Neither me or my mum go on ebay. :(
Oh well. There only £18 from my LFS.

How were you going to pay me? If you can wait for it from HK, I'll happily buy it for you if you send me the money.
Was going to ask if you would except uncrossed potal order?

Thank you sooo much.
Ok so i will send payment in about a week when i have earned it.

OK, just check the auction is still on before you send it. Looks like it's an ongoing one though.
It's £2.60 + £2.50 p+p, so £5.10 altogether.
I will be able to send you a postal order sometime this week not got a certain day though.


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