All Seems Ok... So Why Are They Dying :(

Now on day 3 of using API's Melafix antibacterial treatment in the tank, and keeping a watchful eye on the surviving inhabitants.
Thanks for all the advice, I'll start doing more frequent water changes, I just didn't think there was anypoint as all the levels were pretty much exactly the same after a change as they are before, (ph, Ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte). In fact I only settled on monthly water changes as I use a 'gravel syphon' to take the water out and doing it monthly keeps the gravel nice and clean without taking so much out that the plants suffer.

Will let you know how it pans out...

As you have a small tank, more regular water changes are probably the best preventative measure you can take against illness/disease. In a small amount of water, things can go very wrong very quickly. Weekly is definitely the way to go. That said, I personally wouldn't touch Guppies with a bargepole these days, unless you know someone who breeds them; they'll be so much better than any you get in the shops. They should also be kept in a ratio of (at least) two females to every 1 male - otherwise they'll be pestered to death by the males; that stress would also leave them susceptible to disease.
Thanks for all the new info everyone. I thought it was about time for a little update.

At the weekend we finished the 7 day treatment with Melafix, and did the 25% water change as recommended by them.
The 'new' water was treated with API's Stress Coat medication, and the 10 Litre bucket left out in the kitchen, (by the boiler) all morning to try and get the water temperature up to a decent level before doing the change.

At the same time we decided to euthenaise one of the fish, the other adult male guppy, and he was looking very sorry for himself, and if it is an internal parasite I didn't want his 'body' to then infect the rest of the fish.

I took a couple of pictures of him in his rather chilly state.

Now there is just one other guppy that I have concerns about, and one male & one female that I am keeping my fingers crossed for.

Hopefully they will be ok, but I'll let you know.

Still been unable to find any fluke tabs, or any treatements that mention treating internal parasites...


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Still been unable to find any fluke tabs, or any treatements that mention treating internal parasites...

Jungle Labs makes a product called parasite clear. It's premeasured tablets that you simply dissolve and add to the tank. It's not as strong as fluke tabs however. I am unsure if it helps internal parasites as I don't have it in front of me to read the label.
The only med availabe in the uk is through a vet for camallanous worms it called levaimsole.
So no 'off the shelf' treatments available?
I guess I have to try and find a vet then that has some kind of clue about fish :(

If it was an internal parasite would it spread to all the fish, or if I got the affected guppy out before anyone started taking chunks out of him does it stop it spreading?
If one fish has them the other will, it can also spread when fish suck poo up.
There is a med on the market called wormer plus but it dosn't treat camallanous worms.

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