Fish Fanatic
Wow, your tank looks awesome. And I love your choice of fish. Do the fish swim in the large open area or stick close to the plants?
Wow, your tank looks awesome. And I love your choice of fish. Do the fish swim in the large open area or stick close to the plants?
That tank looks great. Really awesome scape and you said in the beggining you were a newb?Does not look like so. I'm one if i compare my tank to yours.
Well done mate. And that tank looks awesome, i have a allpond solutions luminaire and i am very happy with it so far, but the tanks i always thought they were rubish. But yours looks really good,i will have a better look at their tanks, yours looks really good.
thanks mate, well its only my 2nd attempt at a planted tank but i have done loads and loads of research
if you can afford a new tank these are good for the money, im not so sure about the tanks with hoods. heres a recent review from pfk magazine http/
if i could back now though i would have done things much differently. i would buy an opti white tank (preferably used) build my own cabinet and buy an allpondsolutions luminaire, i reckon this would work out cheaper and look better.
thanks mate, well its only my 2nd attempt at a planted tank but i have done loads and loads of research
if you can afford a new tank these are good for the money, im not so sure about the tanks with hoods. heres a recent review from pfk magazine http/
if i could back now though i would have done things much differently. i would buy an opti white tank (preferably used) build my own cabinet and buy an allpondsolutions luminaire, i reckon this would work out cheaper and look better.
I bought a fluval roma 240 last year from seapets. It cost me 350£. But even though i like my tank alot, it is rather large and but it is not that deep. Its 40 cm deep.
The deeper the tank the better options for scapes you got.
Tank looks very nice and crisp creg, well done mate. To be honest im suprised your cherries haven't been eaten already, they must hide pretty well...
Just beautifull